Recent advances in hepatology have made it even more essential to be familiar with the clinical sings and pathology of liver disease

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Eight symptoms of a liver problem

The liver is an essential organ of our body. It is the largest, and in it reside endless basic functions essential to our health and proper functioning of our body. It is important to know any symptoms that prompted the existence of a problem.

Eight symptoms of a liver problem

We must remember that the liver has basically three functions: to purify our blood by removing toxins and cells that are no longer useful, help synthesize carbohydrates and lipids, also allowing prevent bleeding. It also meets the fabulous storage function. Thanks to the liver store vitamin A, D, K and E, basic for energy.

Indicators of a liver problem:

1. Nausea
It is the first and most obvious symptom of a liver problem. We can feel bad after eating or even have a heaviness in the gut, nausea, dizziness ... and the occurrence of vomiting. But you should not alarm you, sometimes they can be caused by many other things and not just to a liver problem. But if it is a regular event, please go to your doctor.

2. Pain in the upper abdomen
The pain of the liver is placed in the upper abdomen, just below the ribs can also reach back and have even bloating. You may feel burning and even fever, but before any symptoms, visit your doctor. It may be due to inflammation and biliary colic.

3. Jaundice
Jaundice appears as discoloration of the skin, a characteristic yellowish in our face and body. This is because excess bilirubin (bile) in the body and in the blood, liver our problem. They are one of the initial symptoms, primarily associated with an infectious hepatitis.

4. Fatigue and weakness
When we suffer a problem in the liver is common to feel tired, exhausted and without much appetite. Sometimes we can associate them with others and do not give importance, since it is common to have one or more days of weakness. But they are when continued, when usual this state of appetite and exhaustion, we consult with our doctor.

5. Fever
Sometimes, usually appears a pain in the abdomen, we feel swollen, heavy and tired. Given these states should care much our temperature, if we fever is synonymous with inflammation and infection. Do not neglect.

6. light-colored stools
Track your stool when you go to the bathroom. If they have a light color may be due to a liver problem. We may also suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, associated in turn to possible liver problems.

7. Itching in the body
This is due to the accumulation of bile under the skin. The body bites us and we feel uncomfortable because blood reacts to all this accumulation of toxins that the liver ceased to debug.

8. Bleeding and bruising
A symptom also less usual, but also associated liver problems. Bleeding often through the nose, or bruising leaving us without knowing how it is linked to a protein deficiency due to a malfunction of the liver. Must be taken into account.

* All symptoms listed herein are due to a liver problem, but your doctor who will determine if it is due to fatty liver disease, an inflammation of a hepatitis..etc, as the descriptive tables are often very similar and only medical tests, tell us what type of liver disease suffer.

How I can take care of my liver?
alcachofaUnos correct lifestyle and diet, can help prevent many diseases associated with hígado.Sabiendo this, it is recommended that you follow the following tips:

  • Consume fruits and vegetables daily, especially those that help cleanse the liver, apples, kiwi, grapes, cherries, spinach, artichokes, asparagus and radishes ...
  • Avoid fried foods, frozen foods, and high intakes of protein and carbohydrates.
  • Avoid sugary drinks with gas and alcohol.
  • Consume antioxidants: oranges, lemons, blueberries, tomatoes ...
  • Take care medicine consumption are great enemies of the liver.


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